Thursday, 30 September 2010

Off to the shops I go

Usually I go for walks across the fields and footpaths around here – I love it! I chase bunnies, but never manage to catch them; I watch the deer in the fields and sniff all those lovely animal smells in the hedges. But yesterday they decided to take me shopping – shopping I ask you! Why would a dog like me want to go shopping? Well apparently I should show more interest in where the little luxuries in life come from – what luxuries you might ask? It seems that all the squeaky toys, raggers and frisbees have to be bought from a pet shop. So we had to go along so that I could look at the choice and pick a new toy for myself to have ready to comfort me for when the fireworks start. We went into the local pet shop and the ladies in there were very nice and showed me all the toys they had – my it was like an Aladdin’s Cave! In the end I choose a soft toy that looks like a pheasant and it has a lovely squeaker too – a lovely noise which I like. Although it’s very nice to have the toy they won't let me play with it until nearer the fireworks period so they've hidden it away - that's not fair! I really didn’t enjoy the experience of walking down the high street to get to the pet shop very much. I’m a country dog you see and all those cars, lorries and people are a bit too noisy for me. Next time they decide to do that I’m going to INSIST that they give me some of Dorwest’s Valerian Compound before they take me to town – that’ll make the whole experience less scary. It’s organic too which is good as I’m very environmentally aware you know……………

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Doing what I do best......

I have a pretty laid back sort of life, a lot of sleeping and lying around. Today it’s raining but here’s a picture of me doing what I do best, snoozing in the sun! I go to work everyday with my owner and sit under her desk just dreaming away. Sometimes I like to play with the others or with my friends Hawk, Peggy and Elsie who all come to work with us as well. I may be the smallest in size but I’m not a pushover. Not much worries me, apart from loud noises – bangs, crashes and things like that frighten me, always have. I just don’t understand what they are all about and it makes me really upset. Over my 9 years I’ve learnt what I need to do to cope with the noises and also what my owners need to do to make me feel better. There are lots of simple things that can make it so much more bearable and I’m going to tell you later this week some of the things I’ve found that help - so that all of you my canine, and feline, brothers and sisters can get through the bangs and crashes too.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Monkey dancing !

I live in Dorset, near the sea, with three whippets – we’re all boys together but I’m the oldest and the wisest and no one messes with me! I know a lot of things that they don’t and I like to keep it that way………….. a bit of respect for your elders is what I reckon is required, and they all know it too. It’s not that I’m stuffy or anything, I like to play as much as the next dog and believe it or not I do break dancing – yes really. They call it “monkey dancing” but I’ve studied it and practised a lot and I can spin and jump and toss things in the air – it’s great and keeps me fit. I do find it quite exhausting though but no one can keep up with me when I’m in full action………Yay ! I’m big and I’m tough like a terrier should be; I will admit that I’m not at all keen on things that go bang and loud noises but I’ve learnt over the years how to not be so frightened and I’m going to let you all into some of my secrets. I’m not frightened of the dark though, in fact I quite like it. Last night they took me for a walk at dusk along the cliffs and it was so exciting, lots and lots of fat bunnies all over the place, but you’ll never believe it they wouldn’t let me off the lead to chase them – frightened I would run over the cliff apparently, do they think I’m stupid? Still the smells were pretty good and I slept well and dreamt of rabbits all night.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Good to know you all...........

Hi, I’m Dr Monkey, welcome to my blog. Monkey is what they call me but really my official posh name is Farmway High as a Kite. I’m 9 years old and I’m a Border terrier. Everybody calls me Monkey, or sometimes even Monks which is a bit odd, but I answer to most things. I was called Harris, and they still call me that when they’re really mad with me, but Monkey or Dr Monkey is how everyone knows me. I don’t remember how it came about ‘cos I was only a pup at the time but the story goes that someone said I was a cheeky monkey, something to do with a TV advert apparently – oh well we all have our crosses to bear……………….. Anyhow, I work at Dorwest Herbs and I’m their canine consultant which means I’m the one who tells them how dogs think and what they need to be given to make them feel better. I’ve become quite a celebrity and over the next few weeks I’m going to give you all some tips and ideas form my own experience about how best to get through that terrible time of the year for dogs – FIREWORK SEASON ! So keep checking my blog for some “straight from the dog’s mouth” sensible advice and clever tips to get you through the next few weeks.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Woof woof! My first blog - what a lucky chap I am, my blog really starts next week but I am busy practicing typing with my hairy paws, not easy!

Tune in and learn lots about how you can help your pets with their Firework noise Phobia
Dr Monks