Saturday, 1 October 2011

Big black shiny things.

Just been out for my morning walk in the sunshine and overnight the fields have become full of big black shiny things!What are they I wonder? Something all wrapped up I think, but what? I had a sniff or two and they didn't smell that interesting - so I cocked on every one I could find just to tell them I'd noticed! I climbed on top of one to get a better view and they are everywhere - I wonder if they are UFOs?
Last night was very warm but the noises outside were very comforting; I could hear the sea with it's rhythmic tooing and froing which made me feel sleepy, but I could also hear a tractor in the fields - I wonder if that's anything to do with all the black things? Hmmm must investigate more. I heard the humans say there may be thunderstorms after all this hot weather, so it's Scullcap & Valerian Tablets for me for the next few days - better to be safe than sorry. I don't mind the thunder too much, but if we get those sdevlish flashes and crashes then I won't be too happy unless I've had my tablets. Hope they are wrong - humans sometimes are you know, despite them thinking they know more than us. I reckon I'll be able to tell before them if there is a storm coming - who is the superior being - Monkey of course!

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