Saturday, 22 October 2011

They say it's getting cold in the new few days

If the weather people are right and it does get really cold and wet everywhere in the next few days I shall be glad they've already got my cosy den set up, as I can get in to it and snuggle down until the weather gets better. I don't much like the rain, although funnily enough when I'm out for a walk in it I don't even notice it, but just going out for a quick cock of the leg on a rainy night is another thing altogether!

One of my whippet friends, Hector, has gone off on his holidays. He went on a aeroplane, yes actually up in the sky, must have been amazing. It seems a bit quieter here without him but he'll be back before long and I bet he'll have lots of stories to tell........ Of course he had his Scullcap & Valerian Tablets before he went on the plane, just so he would be super relaxed, as it's a new experience for him. Apparently he loved it and is having a great time in Finland where he's living with some other whippets and two cats. He's such a cool dude I reckon he won't take any notice of the cats and he's going to have a great time. See you soon Hector have a nice holiday. Woof woof.

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