Well, no rain but it's very windy, quite bracing as I'm told they say!
We went out picking the last of the blackberries, sloes and some rose hips today which they make into nice things to eat, although I don't much go for jams and jellies. I wonder if they'll give me a snifter of the sloe gin when it's made though? I doubt it somehow. Anyway it was a very leisurely walk as we had to keep stopping and we did a lot of walking around fields and hedges instead of running across them. Still I don't mind too much as we were out for hours and hours.
It must be autumn properly now as not only are there all these fruits in the hedges but shooting has started. I couldn't tell exactly what they were shooting and don't really care as long as it isn't me! I'm told it's some sort of pigeons made of clay - very odd if you ask me I've never seen a clay pigeon, seen lots of real ones but can never catch them myself - perhaps that's why they use guns? Anyway I didn't worry about all the bangs that were going on even though they were only in the next field to where we were. Those Scullcap & Valerian Tablets must already be working on me as it didn't bother me at all. Home for a nice snooze now - see you tomorrow.
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