Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Time to get the den sorted

A lovely sunny day in Dorset and I've just had a lovely walk. See me here looking out from my perch on one of my favourite stiles!

It's time now for you to make sure that your family are getting a suitable cosy, warm and secure den ready for you so that when the fireworks start you have somewhere nice and safe to go. It makes such a difference if us dogs and cats feel ther is somewhere we can go when the noises start. It's also time for a new toy for you to have in the den - there's nothing like distraction, so being prepared with this now is the thing to do.

I saw Michaela Strachan on Autumnwatch on the TV the other day - was I proud or what? She is supporting our DORWEST SAY RELAX firework campaign this year with her dog Toto - wow isn't it great?

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