Friday 22 October 2010

Being in the country is fun

Well I’m stuck in Dorset while they are at the London Vet Show, but it’s not so bad really as the countryside has lots to do and you can’t say that about everywhere, so I’m a lucky Border Terrier really. All summer lots of the fields round here have been so much fun – it’s maize you see, grows really, really tall and the great thing is there’s lots of room for me to run between the plants and chase things. I have to be careful as the fields are so big and once you’re in a field of maize it all looks the same and it’s difficult to find your way out again. I often go missing in there for ages and ages but it’s great. This week though they’ve cut all the maize down so I know that winter’s on its way. All that’s left is fields of stubble – have to be careful with that is it is just belly height and is very scratchy. I am very well camouflaged when I’m in the field so can sniff around to my heart’s content and no-one can see where I am – can you see me in this picture, I bet you can’t, but I am there, honest !

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