Saturday, 2 October 2010

What a dilemma.........

A miserable day yesterday, not much fun for dogs ‘cos it rained all day so I didn’t get a decent walk until the evening, but what a walk it was – gave me a bit of a dilemma actually. We walked into this field and believe it or not there was a large fat bunny sitting there and a few feet away was a buzzard sitting looking at it. They just stared at each other, well I just didn’t know what to do. Doggie instinct took over so naturally I chased the bunny, but the buzzard wasn’t at all pleased as the rabbit popped into the hedge and disappeared, so it flew up and circled me a few times – I didn’t know what to do, did he think I was a rabbit? I hope not, I may be small and brown but for goodness sake I am a DOG. So the upshot was that I saved a bunny, which goes right against the grain as its not what dogs are supposed to do, I upset a buzzard who didn't get his dinner and finished up just running around a field on my own! Some days things just go like that – oh well better luck tomorrow.

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