Wednesday, 13 October 2010

One terrier who isn't going underground !

I was very relieved to hear about the Chilean miners who are being rescued from underground after two months. As a terrier I know all about being underground, it’s in our blood you know. I must confess that I’ve not done it myself but lots and lots of my Border terrier friends go down holes underground looking for foxes, rabbits and other wild things. I am a bit of a woose myself and as well as having noise phobia I also have a touch of claustrophobia and so am not too keen on small dark places, and you’d have to give me a regular amounts of Scullcap & Valerian tablets to steady my nerves if I had to go down a hole. I wonder if they gave those miners the human equivalent to keep them calm down there? I’d have been terrified to be stuck underground all that time – give me a nice romp across the fields anyday.
I have been writing this blog now for over two weeks and I know that there are lots of you out there following my activities each day, but I’m worried that nobody has put any comments on the site – please let me know what you think and let me know you really are there following me. See you tomorrow………

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