Sunday, 3 October 2010

I'm a bit stiff today

I’m a bit stiff today, must be that running around after bunnies and the buzzard. They say it’s my age and that I have to expect this sort of thing now I’m getting elderly – what rubbish! Anyway they’ve decided that I might have a touch of arthritis so I’m having two Mixed Vegetable Tablets and two Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets in my food twice a day, which they say will make me feel better and have me dancing about as usual in no time. I’ll let you know how I get on. I thought I was supposed to be talking about nasty whizz bangs and thuds not telling you about my ailments but they say that I have to be honest about everything as that’s what a blog is all about. We’ll see about that………… anyway I’m taking it easy.

Do you know that I have my own email address? It’s and if you want to get in touch then I’d be pleased to hear from you. I had an email yesterday from a lady asking if it was absolutely necessary to have a bucket on your head while Monkey dancing . No it isn’t Susan, you can do it with a ball, a ragger or anything else. I’ve even tried it with balloons, but they always seem to disappear with a bang which frightens me so now I steer clear of them.

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