Thursday, 21 October 2010

Off to the London Vet Show

I’m pretty excited because the London Vet Show starts tomorrow where there will be lots of people that know ALL about dogs, cats, phobias etc. I’ve never been to London before and hear it’s a big, busy place.
I thought it was funny that they haven’t given me my Scullcap & Valerian tablets yet, and I need those to keep me relaxed on the journey. So I’ve just checked and would you believe it they DON’T ALLOW DOGS to go, so I’ve got to stay back here in the offices – I can’t believe it, a celebrity like me not allowed! Still now my typing skills are improving I can keep in touch by email and so they can get in touch with me if they can’t cope without the doggie input and my specialist view of things. Some things never change – they didn’t invent the word “underdog” for nothing did they? I will have to explain more fully what being a celebrity is – I need my public……………….

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